Computer service

Computer technical offer delivery service in Malaga and province to antender any problems you have with your computer, tablet, smartphone, videogames console, etc.

Repairs, installations, maintenance, all at home from Rincon de la Victoria for the rest of the province.

In addition to move home, in an effort to address before getting to our customers and respond quickly to your needs, we also offer computer Telecare worldwide via the Internet.

We are specialists in installation of any operating system and software. Temos extensive experience in solving problems with Java virtual machines, as well as digital certificates.

Computer and electronic equipment repair, optimize hardware and software on your computer so that it serves the best performance. And if you do backups? We are also experts in data recovery.

We have our Online Computer and Electronics Shop in order to offer the best prices on the components that you need to repair or expand your infomático equipment.

Also we assemble towers and other PC tailored to your needs and possibilities. Unlike the rest of the competition, you put the price.

We are BONISOFT, we are different